MG Elite's Ariana Agrapides being carried on a lectica.
In the news, Uncle Tim, Evan, and Jessica chat about:
- Jazmyn Foberg, Rachel Baumann, Ariana Agrapides, Gabby Perea
- Should athletes accept endorsement deals before they have become champions?
- The Gabby Douglas update video from USA Gymnastics
- Sports Acro World Championships in Paris
- Is Kim Jacob up to the standard of past Honda award winners?
- Why doesn't the US send an artistic female gymnast to the Youth Olympic Games?
- Vanessa Atler interview, she's come a long way!
- Insane Skill Alerts from Max Whitlock, Eddie Penev and Mai Murakami
- Listener questions about England vs. Great Britan, men's age limits and more
- Wildlife in the gym: rats, June bugs, joey's and pigeons.
We are very excited to announce that Louis will be our very first GymCastic Book Club guest in August.
What: Read the book and submit questions about it for Louis.
How: Buy the book here, send your questions to us at gymcastic @ or leave a voicemail on Skype at username “GymCastic Podcast” or by dialing (415) 800-3191.
When: Submit your questions by the first week in August and we'll ask Louis when he's on the show in August.
- 100! Biomechanical Booty Advantage
- 99: Princess Catherine Lyons and Coach Rochelle Douglas
- 98: Eddie Penev the Bulgarian-American Bullet
- 88: Rhonda Faehn & Mackenzie Caquatto
- 81: Jenny Hansen
- Episode 41: Laurie Hernandez & Coach Maggie Haney
- Episode 3: Russian Regime Change, Fashion Code and a Chat With Anna Li
Watch out YouTube play list here.
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