McKayla Maroney, Kyla Ross and Simone Biles at the 2013 World Championships courtesy of My Crazy World of Graphics[/caption] This week, British Olympian Jenny Pinches joins us to discuss the latest news and the state of gymnastics. We talk about: the two new gymnastics reality shows in the works, Victoria Komovareturning to training (or playing?) after a serious case of meningitis, the Kohei Uchimura interview on team gold for Rio, Aimee Boorman's interview after becoming the first ever female American head coach of an all-around World Champion, Simone Biles; Rodionenko's complaints about Aliya Mustafina being called for "equipment testing", a skill table for gymnastics like diving has, Philipp Boy's latest ovulation inducing photo and Nelli Kim's claims that she is being slandered by Russia's top gymnasts.
Dvora Meyers joins us to talk about Carlotta Ferlito's racially charged remarks and the Facebook post where Italian Federation spokesman, David Ciaralli defends Ferlito, stating increased difficulty is designed to make things easier for,"colored people." Read the Chicago Tribune's full story on Ferlito-Gate here.
In our Worlds Wrap Up, Uncle Tim identifies trends in scoring and tells us if Execution or Difficulty reigned supreme. Then it's favorites, worsts, wedgie solutions, where the judges got it wrong, the hottest coaches and athletes, the routines that make Jenny and Jess feel funny and what the Code of Points and the International Gymnastics Federation are doing right and what rules still need to be changed.
Don't forget to send us your entries for the Halloween Costume Contest! The winner can pick the poster of their choice from the fabulous Cloud & Victory. Here are just a few of the options below. Send photos to by November 1st.
Related Links
Uncle Tim's 2013 World Championships by the Numbers: The Ladies
Uncle Tim's 2013 World Championships by the Numbers: The Dudes
Dvora's blog Racism in Gymnastics
Dvora's Deadpin article Are Black Gymnasts The New Black QBs?
Simone Biles interview
Kyla Ross interview
Jake Dalton interview
Sam Mikulak interview
Victoria Moors interview
The routine that makes Jenny Pinches feel funny. #WomanCrushWednesday
Ali Zahran from Egypt does the Victorian.
Submitted skill we love, Michael MAKINGS (RSA), 180 counter salto backward to rollout. No value given (boo!), but can used as choreography
if you want to be AWESOME!
Croatia's suit and tie leotad worn by Tina Erceg[/caption]