Blythe, Bea, Michelle and Emma report in from Antwerp on men's and women's all-around finals. We chat about: Vasiliki Millousi's decent from tanning on Mount Olympus directly into our dreams at age 29, whether Shang Chunsong's glitter eyeshadow effected her performance, Victoria Moors sticking The Moors, the consistency of Kyla "Beam Queen" Ross, Mustafina's "gears," Yao's possible coaching deduction on bars, clarify what the controversial drummers were really doing at the meet, discuss the fit of men's competition shorts, King Kohei, and the totally dominating performance by Simone "The Smile" Biles.
Follow Blythe on Twitter @GymExaminer, Facebook and at Gymnastics Examiner.
Follow Bea on Twitter @TheCouchGymnast and The Couch Gymnast
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